CCAP Publications

Scientific papers and other publications authored by CCAP staff and affiliated colleagues.


Allen, R., Rad-Menéndez, C., Green, D.H. et al. (2024) The genome sequence of the chlorophyte Marvania coccoides CCAP 251/1B (Naumann) Henley, Hironaka, Guillou, M. Buchheim, J. Buchheim, M. Fawley & K. Fawley 2004. [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. Wellcome Open Res, 9:334

Allen, R., Rad-Menéndez, C., Green, D.H. et al. (2024) The genome sequence of the chlorophyte Pseudopediastrum boryanum CCAP 291/2 (Turpin) E. Hegewald 2005. [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. Wellcome Open Res, 9:338

Antonaru, L.A., Rad-Menéndez, C., Mbedi, S., Sparmann, S., Pope, M., Oliver, T., Wu, S., Green, D., Gugger, M. & Nürnberg, D.J. (2024) The ancient evolution of far-red light photoacclimation in cyanobacteria. bioRxiv, 2024-05.

Darienko, T., Rad-Menéndez, C. & Pröschold, T. (2024) The new genus Caulinema revealed new insights into the generic relationship of the order Ulotrichales (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta). Microorganisms 12: 1604.

Nelson, D.R., Mystikou, A., Jaiswal, A., Rad-Menéndez, C., Preston, M.J., De Boever, F., El Assal, D.C., Daakour, S., Lomas, M.W., Twizere, J.-C., Green, D.H., Ratcliff, W.C. & Salehi-Ashtiani, K. (2024) Macroalgal deep genomics illuminate multiple paths to aquatic, photosynthetic multicellularity. Molecular Plant 17: 1-25

Tan, J., Tan, P.-L., Poong, S.-W., Brakel, J., Rad Menendez, C., Sunarwidhi Prasedya, E., Sherwood, A. R., Msuya, F. E., Gachon, C., Brodie, J., Kassim, A. & Lim, P. E. (2024) Assessment of nine markers for phylogeny, species and haplotype identification of Kappaphycus species and Eucheuma denticulatum (Solieriaceae, Rhodophyta). European Journal of Phycology, 1-18.


Rad-Menéndez, C., Green, D.H., Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa collective et al. (2023) The genome sequence of the chlorophyte Dunaliella primolecta CCAP 11/34 (Butcher, 1959) [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]. Wellcome Open Res, 8:523

Green, D.H., Rad-Menéndez, C., Campbell, C. et al. (2023) The genome sequence of Pycnococcus provasolii (CCAP190/2) (Guillard, 1991) [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]. Wellcome Open Res, 8:520

Green, D.H., Rad-Menéndez, C., Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa collective et al. (2023) The genome sequence of the Heterolobosean amoeboflagellate, Tetramitus jugosus CCAP 1588/3C [version 1; peer review: 3 approved]. Wellcome Open Res, 8:513

Schmidt, K., Graeve, M., Hoppe, C.J.M., Torres-Valdes, S., Welteke, N., Whitmore, L.M., Anhaus, P., Atkinson, A., Belt, S.T., Brenneis, T., Campbell, R.G., Castellani, G., Copeman, L.A., Flores, H., Fong, A.A., Hildebrandt, N., Kohlbach, D., Nielsen, J.M., Parrish, C.C., Rad Menéndez, C., Rokitta, S.D., Tippenhauer, S. & Zhuang, Y. (2023) Essential omega-3 fatty acids are depleted in sea ice and pelagic algae of the Central Arctic Ocean. Global Change Biology: e17090.

Papadopoulos, K.P., de Souza, M.F., Archer, L., Illanes, A.C.Z., Harrison, E.L., Taylor, F., Davey, M.P., Gallardo, D.A., Komakech, A.J., Radmehr, S., Holzer, A., Meers, E., Smith, A.G. & Mehrshahi, P. (2023) Vitamin B12 bioaccumulation in Chlorella vulgaris grown on food waste-derived anaerobic digestate. Algal Research: 103290.

Slocombe, S.P., Zuniga-Burgos, T., Chu, L., Mehrshahi, P., Davey, M.P., Smith, A.G., Camargo-Valero, M.A. & Baker, A. (2023) Overexpression of PSR1 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii induces luxury phosphorus uptake. Frontiers in Plant Science 14.

Wood, E.E., Ross, M.E., Jubeau, S., Montalescot, V., MacKechnie, K., Marchington, R.E., Davey, M.P., McNeill, S., Hamilton, C. & Stanley, M.S. (2023) From green to orange: The change in biochemical composition of phototrophic-mixotrophic Chromochloris zofingiensis in pilot-scale photobioreactors. Algal Research 75: 103238.

Read, S.K., Semião, A.J.C., Graham, M.C. & Ross, M. (2023) Live algal sorbents for the removal of potentially toxic elements: a review. Applied Phycology 4(1): 15-33.

Colesie, C., Walshaw, C.V., Garcia Sancho, L., Davey, M.P. & Gray, A. (2023) Antarctica’s vegetation in a changing climate. WIREs Climate Change 14(1), e810.

Parati, M., Philip, C., Mendrek, B., Townrow, D., Khalil, I., Tchuenbou-Magaia, F., Stanley, M., Kowalczuk, M., Adamus, G. & Radecka, I. (2023) A circular bioprocess application of algal-based substrate for Bacillus subtilis natto production of y-PGA. Frontiers in Chemistry 11.


Wood, E.E., Ross, M.E., Jubeau, S., Motalescot, V. & Stanley, M.S. (2022) Progress towards a targeted biorefinery of Chromochloris zofingiensis: a review. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery.

Bombelli, P., Savanth, A., Scarampi, A., Rowden, S.J.L., Green, D.H., Erbe, A., Årstøl, E., Jevremovic, I., Hohmann-Marriott, M.F., Trasatti, S.P., Ozer, E. & Howe, C.J. (2022) Powering a microprocessor by photosynthesis. Energy & Environmental Science 15(6), 2529-2536.

Llavero-Pasquina, M., Geisler, K., Holzer, A., Mehrshahi, P., Mendoza-Ochoa, G.I., Newsad, S.A., Davey, M.P. & Smith, A.G. (2022) Thiamine metabolism genes in diatoms are not regulated by thiamine despite the presence of predicted riboswitches. New Phytologist.

Rizzo, A., Ross, M.E., Norici, A. & Jesus, B. (2022) A two-step process for improved biomass production and non-destructive astaxanthin and carotenoids accumulation in Haematococcus pluvialis. Applied Sciences 12(3), 1261.

Michalek, K., Kane, F., Stanley, M.S., Sánchez, I., Tarkan, S., Bizel, K.C., Malindretos, G. & Van Duren, L.A. (2022) EU Potential for IMTA Development. Policy Brief. Findings and recommendations from the IMPAQT Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation project.

Nin-Pratt, A., Beveridge, M.C.M., Sulser, T.B., Marwaha, N., Stanley, M.S., Grisenthwaite, R. & Phillips, M.J. (2022) Cattle, seaweed, and global greenhouse gas emissions. IFPRI Discussion Paper 02111.

Biancacci, C., Abell, R., McDougall, G.J., Day, J.G. & Stanley, M.S. (2022) Annual compositional variation in wild Osmundea pinnatifida (Hudson) Stackhouse from the west coast of Scotland. Journal of Applied Phycology 34, 1661-1675.


Sound, J.K., Peters, A., Bellamy-Carter, J., Rad-Menendez, C., MacKechnie, K., Green, D.H. & Leney, A.C.. (2021) Rapid cyanobacteria species identification with high sensitivity using native mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 93, 14293-14299.

Darienko, T., Rad-Menéndez, C., Campbell, C.N. & Pröschold, T. (2021) Molecular phylogeny of unicellular marine coccoid green algae revealed new insights systematics of the Ulvophyceae (Chlorophyta). Microorganisms 9(8), 1586.

Pröschold, T., Rieser, D., Darienko, T., Kammerlander, B., Pitsch, G., Bruni, E.P., Qu, Z., Forster, D., Rad-Menéndez, C., Posch, T., Stoeck, T. & Sonntag, B. (2021) An integrative approach sheds new light onto the systematics and ecology of the widespread ciliate genus Coleps (Ciliophora, Prostomatea). Scientific Reports 11, 5916.

Hughes, A.H., Magot, F., Tawfike, A., Rad-Menéndez, C., Thomas, N., Young, L.C., Stucchi, L., Carettoni, D., Stanley, M.S., Edrada-Ebel, R. & Duncan, K.R. (2021) Exploring the Chemical Space of Macro- and Micro-Algae Using Comparative Metabolomics. Microorganisms 9(2), 311.